This is the Best Time to Get an MBA Degree: Here’s How to Guarantee Selection in a B-School

The pandemic-stricken economy had brought several changes among the countries, people, and society. This period opened several opportunities in disguise and people brought in many new and fresh ideas to survive. In the case of an aspirant who wish a career in business studies this is the right time. Even-though the economy is depressed the acquisition of a new learning can give great boost to the career.

So, it is the best time to get an MBA along with one’s hard work and commitment can bring the best outcome. In this article we discuss in detail, why we should choose a B-school now and how to guarantee selection in a B-school.

Why should we choose B-school now?

When an aspirant plan for getting an MBA degree firstly it should be rock solid decision made after desire and not just an escape from the current situation. If you are a final year student or fresh graduate and struggling to find a good start a two-year MBA from a reputed B-school will bring great value as a professional. The time as it passes will give good wealth fold and compounding effects on your salary each year. sometimes after graduation students may find that the degree was right for him/her and wants to change the track. The MBA gives a new start in such situations gives a credibility for a direction change irrespective of the past i.e. from any background can opt MBA for their post-graduation. And rather than specialising in a particular area the general management will be a best way to initiate to find good roles. A well-planned MBA programs will guarantee a bright career with huge prospects for growth. The management roles in an organisation as well as specialist role can help one to create wealth opportunities.

How to Choose the Best MBA Program?

There are several factors to be considered while choosing the best  MBA program  it include the country that you want to grow your career, the reputation of the B-school, the Infrastructure facilities, fee structure etc. Select the best MBA program in the country where you can get maximum opportunities for growth in the professional life.

Find the most credible and reputed B-school by online searches, articles and talking to alumni. The reputation of the college one chooses will have a long-term effect on the resume. the cost, duration of the course (two year or one year). educational loan if needed, the placement opportunities are important factors to look at. Mak ea list pf colleges to work forward.

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Keep the Timeline

The idea to get into top B-school of your choice requires rigorous preparation for months. There is rigid deadlines and different requirements for the selection into each MBA program. learn to keep up the time and energy, the aspirants who are doing jobs or final year graduates have to put in extra time and effort to get it right in the first attempt. keep track of the application processes block the time for completing all the process and try to deliver enough quality time for every steps rather than quantity.

Cracking the Test

The entrance test score is crucial for MBA programs which requires hard work and dedication. GMAT score is required for international and executive MBA programs while for pursuing MBA from an Indian B-school it requires CAT/CET/ MAT etc. For GMAT 700+ score is needed and for Indian top B-schools like IIMs CAT score is significant for shortlisting for an interview. There are two simple steps to crack the test firstly, mock test papers each day try to solve at least one paper and learn from the mistakes you had done. repeat the same process and go back to the first paper again. Keep practising until you master the topics in different cycles. The second method is to be disciplined or moving strictly according to the plan you prepared. Today, the aspirants have several options to easily crack the exam like coaching centre’s and also online applications to get materials for preparations. To get MBA admission in the leading MBA college in Kerala like Marian College Kuttikkanam Autonomous, you have to clear CAT/CMAT/KMAT.

Work as a Team

After cracking the entrance test then comes the next phase of Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) which can be conceded with good teamwork. There are colleges where essay about aspirant’s life and career is required in such situations one can ask help from study groups and other MBA’s to read the work and give critical feedbacks. Communicating each other about work will help us gather insights about different perspectives. read the essay sample from internet and one can also seek help from coaches or from people who has experience in mentoring essay writing applications. Re- write your essay after pooling all the inputs from all the people before you submit the final one.

The Final Step

Personal Interview is the final step which needs good preparation which can also be easily cracked together as a team. Today the interview is over video call as physical travel is risky because of the pandemic. Find different standard MBA interview questions and start practising initially with the help of your family members and friends. spare 30 minutes daily for this session and ask them to give genuine feedback about the performance. The feedback should include comments about your presentation, communication and ensure that it fits well with the application essay. Once you are confident keep practising with the help of experienced people like who conducted interviews or with individuals who graduated from the B-schools.

Being a part of MBA program is prestigious and worthy enough for the lifetime. The experience and opportunity to grow and prosper in professional life is immense, therefore one should never back-off from the decision to pursue MBA degree. Every B-schools today competing each other to provide their students best graduation through new and innovative ways like management fest and more practical training programs to make the graduate industry ready. Today most programs employ mentors for students to groom and guide the student’s business know-how together with their network.

The B-schools today have direct connection with top recruiter’s network which also help the aspirants get hired into top MNC’s even before completing the program. All you need to join the best incubators for molding yourself into the best business professional.

MBA Admission Started for the Best MBA College in Kerala with good placements

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